[BLOG] | [TEXT VERSION] 15 November 2024
Storin t'Kel                                                  2024-04-10
Goodbye Neomutt and hello XMPP                              version 0.61
Informative                                                         Blog

   Today I made the decision, after quite a while, to leave Neomutt[1] 
   and instead return to Thunderbird[2] to make life a bit easier on 
   myself. I mean, there's totally nothing wrong with Neomutt at all 
   but for me it was at times a hassle when I moved my fingers too 
   fast around the keyboard and suddenly Neomutt did things I never 
   intended for it to do.

   And so I installed and setup Thunderbird again for all my mail 
   addresses. I must admit it felt good returning 'home' again. There's 
   little to do other than running it. So that's that news for today.

   Having given that news, I also decided to create an XMPP account[3]
   for the heck of it: storin.nl@xmpp.jp. This has also been placed in
   the footer of my website. So if you feel like chatting, feel free to 
   contact me, as long as we keep things civilized.

   That was it for today.
   Have a great day!
   - Storin t'Kel

References                                                         [top]

   [1]   https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/mutt-wizard
   [2]   https://www.thunderbird.net
   [3]   https://www.xmpp.jp/