Storin t'Kel 2024-02-04 What can you expect on this website version 0.94 Informative Blog First of all, welcome to my redesigned website where I returned back into a design that includes CSS. Within the readme file I have spoken about my reasons for this approach already but if you did not read it then here is a small simple version of it. I wanted a website where the content loads quickly and written in a layout similar to RFC documents. This ensures for ease of reading without being distracted by other stuff that usually surrounds a website. So at first I went for an XHTML 1.0 Strict page that just linked to plain text files and I went without CSS for a while. I liked it but eventually I decided to include CSS again and this time do things differently. The landing page you saw when visiting this site is just a table with a bunch of links sorted by the topics of the posts, be it Blog, Scripts, Config files, whatever. And so I wrote the html code, nothing fancy of course, to show that table and I added CSS to it to make it look nice and shiny, but also easy to understand for the visitor. Within one click you are able to get to the target post of your choice, I mean it can not get any simpler than this. I then looked at how I wrote my content files, as I said before they are very similar to RFC documents, on my old page. I made a few adjustments, such as adding three white spaces before I start a paragraph to make it easier to read when reading a txt file. I then decided to also add a HTML version of this, which is basically the text file but with, depending on what is shown, HTML embedded within the PRE tag formatted content, the Readme file will show a nice menu with links in it, just look at the source code. So having said all this, what you may expect on this website is for me to keep it as simple as it gets. I will not use PHP, I already don't use Javascripts, so expect it to be XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS Level 1. Expect it to just look like this and all I will do is to add content whenever I feel like writing or sharing something. Anyway, please enjoy your stay on this website and if you feel like knowing more, just head over to the Readme section or just bluntly copy/paste my code in your designs. Who knows we could even form a unity on the internet in terms of simple content delivery websites. - Storin t'Kel